STATUS report

The Josephine S. Gumbiner Foundation requires a Status Report from its partners to ascertain the final outcomes of the projects it supported. If the organization received general operating support, the organization is asked to report on the goals and results relating to the organization’s overall mission and impact. The due date of the Status Report will be provided in the Grant Agreement. Foundation grants are awarded for a 12-month term, unless otherwise noted.

access the Foundation’s online grantmaking system as an EXISTING USER:

Existing users will enter the Foundation’s online grant system HERE with the same email address and password previously used. To update your organization’s contacts, please email the Foundation office with the new contact’s name, email address and title before attempting to log in.

The online grant management system allows nonprofit users to view their current and prior applications and is intended to simplify many of the grant related processes. If you have any questions, please email us at or call 562-437-2882.